Here are 10 easy and quick ways to help lighten the load on those busy homeschool days!
1. Plan Meals
So often it feels like there isn’t the time to sit down and plan meals, but a few minutes of prep work saves time at the grocery store, saves multiple trips to the store, and saves time each day when you already know what’s for dinner.
2. Use Paper Plates
I realize it isn’t politically correct to advocate for using disposable stuff, but sometimes there are those seasons in life when paper plates can be a real sanity saver. You have my permission to use them if it makes life easier!
3. Have A Housekeeping Routine
Simple works best. Laundry on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, clean bedrooms on Tuesday etc. If you have a plan of action for each day, you don’t have to rethink your tasks each day. A little bit done every day does make a difference.
4. Delegate Chores to Your Children
In my opinion a vital part of home education is that my kids leave our home actually knowing how to run a household. That means daily chores are important practice.
5. Consider a Cleaning Service
While this might not be a practical suggestion for everyone, you might be surprised what you can work out with a friend or acquaintance. Having someone clean your home twice a month might not be as expensive as you think. A few months ago I started having someone clean twice a month. She comes on the afternoons when we are out and about. When I come home from running kids, the house is clean and dinner is in the crock pot. I love those days!
6. Schedule a Planning Hour During the Week
If possible plan a consistent time in your schedule to sit down and plan for the weeks ahead. If you can get out of the house – even better.
7. Get Ready For the Next Week on Friday
Before you end your week on Friday, make sure you are prepared for the following week, your weekend will be that much more relaxing. I like to get check lists ready and books cleaned up and put away.
8. Get Up Before Your Children
My day goes so much better when I have gotten a jump on my day before my children start getting up. Quiet prayer time and exercise set the tone for the entire day.
9. Go to Bed With the Kitchen Clean and Materials Out for the Next Day
Much better to wake up and walk down to a clean kitchen with everything prepared for the day. My older children can then easily start on their work when everything is out and ready to go.
10. Go to Bed!
It’s important to get adequate sleep for our health and our stress levels. It can be tempting to stay up and burn the midnight oil while the house is quiet, but you’ll probably pay for it the next day. Do yourself a favor and start the day off right, by going to be early the night before!
Heidi says
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This post, with regards to the last week in my life, is a much needed breath of fresh air! Bless you!