It’s that time of year where pumpkins are everywhere! Today, I am sharing 5 pumpkin sensory activities to celebrate fall!
1. Explore a Pumpkin
Kids love to explore, so open up a pumpkin and let them discover what’s inside of a pumpkin. Have them use their hands to feel the pumpkin pulp and slimy seeds, as well as smell the distinctive smell of pumpkins. To add to the fun, you can have them use kid tools for imaginary play.
2. Pumpkin Sensory Bag
After you explore a pumpkin, you can create a sensory bag. Take the seeds and pumpkin pulp and add them to a gallon-size bag. If you need more filling, you can add in canned pumpkin puree. Then put in some other items, like the ones found on this post. Play I-Spy with your child and have them find the items you put in there.
3. Pumpkin Pie Playdough
This playdough smells amazing! You’ll really smell the wonderful scents of fall with this playdough. Here’s what you need:
- 2 3/4 cups of flour
- 1 cup salt
- 4 tsp cream of tartar
- 6 tablespoons of oil
- 4 tsp of Pumpkin Pie Spice
- 2 cups of water
- red and yellow food coloring (optional)
To make this, just combine ingredients in a large pot and stir over medium heat. After 5 minutes (or until the dough is sticking together), remove from heat and knead on a floured cutting board.
4. Pumpkin Spice Cloud Dough
Have you ever made cloud dough? It is a soft, moldable stubstance that feels so awesome to play with! If you add pumpkin spice, it smells amazing! To make this, just at 8 cups of flour to 1 cup of oil. Then add 2 tablespoons of Pumpkie Pie Spice. Mix with your hands until the ingredients stick to each other and you are able to mold it into a ball.
5. Pumpkin Sensory Bin
Make a sensory bin for little ones to use their imagination to play. We used dry pinto beans, pumpkin erasers (found at Target), pumpkin candy, the letter P, and trucks and tractors in the bin. To see how we used this bin, visit this post.
We had so much fun with these sensory activities. Hope you will try them out, too!

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