Today’s guest post is from Shawntele of Rambling with Grace!
Happy New Year!
Three words that conjure up hope and excitement. The dawn of a new year and new beginnings, a clean slate, a fresh start. A chance to once again attempt all those things we planned on doing last year…you know what I am talking about. Those “resolutions” that last about a week, maybe two…before the old habits creep back in…the enthusiasm wanes as the day to day routines and boredom take over. It is so easy to fall back into those same old ways to which we have become accustomed.
I haven’t been very keen on New Years resolutions in the past, for the reasons mentioned above; there is something different about this year though.
{Creative Commons Photo credit: Wonderlane}
I am really looking forward to a new start, and moving to Las Vegas at the start of 2012 is a great way to kick it off my new year!! I have decided to approach things a little differently this time around though. I have committed to some lifestyle changes; promises I have made to myself, my family, and my God. Important priorities, like getting healthy and growing in faith. BUT…this year I am not going to berate myself if when things don’t go as planned. I have finally realized that the new year is not the only time I can “start again”. Each month, each day, each hour and minute…they are all opportunities to make right my wrongs, to get up and dust myself off, to ask for forgiveness, and to make new again. What more could I hope for?
So, here’s to you and your new year; what are you looking forward to?
Shawntele is an everyday Canadian girl living in the USA, crazy in love with her great big God. Wife of 17 years and homeschooling mom of a tween & two teens, life is abundantly overflowing. You can often find her sharing life on her blog Rambling with Grace, making blogs look pretty at Simply Inspired Designs, and tweeting away on Twitter.
I am looking forward to spending my life in ways that bring glory to God: spirit,soul and body.
I am going to celebrate my starts not just my successes…sometimes it take a couple of time around the mountain to get something right. I am going to value my life for the gift it is and treasure my seconds and minutes. I like what you said about getting back up and dusting yourself off. It is inevitable that we fall down..what we do when we get back up is what makes us. Blessings on your move and the year ahead.
I am still journeying around the mountain Juanita and learning everyday. I have no doubt I will be shaking off the dust all year long! 😀
To be honest, I’m not sure what I’m looking forward to? Is that bad? So many others have posted about their one defining word for 2012 or all the new opportunities. Alas, I haven’t heard any whispers of a special word, task or opportunity. Perhaps my word should be “acceptance”? Accept where I am, who I am? IDK. But I love (and am constantly grateful for) the opportunity to start fresh, as many times as I need to 🙂