I was recently going through pictures from my niece’s birthday party and found these pictures. As a mother, I was terrified. It is shot after shot of my babies flying through the air with no protection at all. As a child at heart, I was wishing I’d been on the swing. Laughing, screaming, fearful, and exhilarated.
That is much what my homeschooling experience has been. You see, I come from a traditional schooling background. My parents are both educators, and I am the product of public schools. To do or be anything different was flying into the unknown. Our children actually started their formal education in public schools. It was what worked for us. And then circumstances came about, and we found ourselves needing to provide for our children’s education. And I’m sure the first day of school in our home, I looked much like my daughter in the middle of the swing. I really didn’t have any idea what I was supposed to do. And I kept hearing this faint whisper telling me these poor children’s fates were in my hands. We were all doomed. And so, the swing ride began.
You see, the fun of swinging is the feeling of weightlessness. Of flying free. Closing your eyes and soaring through the clouds. It’s also the debilitating reason some never sit in a swing. The terrifying unknown. The horror stories of broken limbs, and bruised bodies. That was where I sat when we started to home school. And when I couldn’t seem to push myself forward, someone was there to push me from behind. It is so very important to have a support group. Mine came from my husband, of course, and my parents. They all encouraged us to go forward, to do our work “for the Lord, and not for man” (Colossians 3:23), and bring glory to God in what we were doing. As we started, we found other places of encouragement as well. Other homeschooling families, friends that were curious about our choice, the blogging world, and magazines. What is important, is to have real people you can call, write, or email your triumphs and disasters.
My daughter is holding on to her big brother as they swing. He is her protector. Always has been. So we must cling to our Heavenly Father. When doubts arise, kids are unruly, school hasn’t gone as planned, go to the One who holds it all in His hands, and find comfort. Feel protected. Abide. I asked my daughter about the picture, and she told me she knew she wouldn’t get hurt because her Uncle pushed her, and her brother protected her. It’s what we all need. Someone to encourage us, and He who protects us. Sure, homeschooling, just like swinging, is a huge pendulum that we are riding. But we are not alone on this ride. So when that whisper comes back, as it always does, tearing at my resolve, I whisper back, “No, their futures are not in my hands, their futures are in the very hands that hold the future.”
Beth is the wife to a pastor, and mother to eight children. When she isn’t doing laundry or changing diapers, she enjoys reading, sewing, crocheting, and taking pictures. To of course blog about later. You can find her telling her story at Sew Anyhow.
Great Reminder that our Father is with us and we must cling to Him! Kelly K
Thank you for this awesome reminder! It can be scary at times, however, if we cling to the One, then we will be okay!