I know how challenging it can be to stay on top of your homeschooling lessons during the holidays.
I don’t know about you, but for me it seems like there just aren’t enough days in December to get it all done!
We have Christmas parties, church programs, and co-op activities galore!
Trying to figure out how to work formal school time into the mix is like trying to figure out how to add an extra hour to the day.
May I offer you an alternative?
Put away the formal lessons for a few weeks.
Draw near to your family.
Spend time rediscovering the true meaning of Christmas.
Seek out opportunities to serve together as a family.
Complete an Advent Bible Study.
Remember learning takes place all day, every day. Not just during the “formal” school hours.
Include your children in holiday baking. They are practicing math skills while measuring and calculating cooking times. Your little ones will learn the important skill of reading recipes and following directions.
If you still feel like you need a more structured “school like” plans, try one of these Christmas unit studies.
- Christmas Around the USA by Enchanted Homeschooling Mom. This is a fun study about how Christmas is celebrated in each of the 50 states. There are a lot of crafts, recipes and games to enjoy. This is the study my family and I will be using.
- Christmas Around the World unit study. This is a free unit study highlighting the way Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world.
- Christmas Around the World unit study from CurrClick. Another very nice study for a great price of $3.50.
- Christmas Unit Study by Amanda Bennet. This is a great study that focuses on the true meaning of Christmas- Jesus! Click here to view more details
- Amazing Grace – A Christmas Unit Study. This is a four week study designed for Pre-K through 5th grade.
- A Blessed Christmas Unit Study. This is a study of the symbols of Christmas.
If it is too late to consider one of these Christmas studies for this year, go ahead and download it for next year!
No matter what you choose to do. Continue on with your normal homeschooling schedule or take the entire month off, the main idea is to cherish these days. Soak up the spirit of Christmas and love on your family.
The other eleven months of the year pass by so quickly, savor this one.
From our family to yours, may you have a very blessed, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
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