Having a 22, 15 & 10 year old, loving each child right where they are is not always easy. As a mother we hold our children to such a higher standard that we forget this is their walk, we just love them through it.
Learning to ask God when we need help will always bring us through those difficult times.
Our children are gonna make mistakes, they are going to fall off path, they are going to stumble. The bigger question is, are we as moms ready to love them right where they are when they do make mistakes, fall off path and stumble to help guide them back to Him or we will just give in to trying to fix them through it?
This has been one of the hardest things that I have had to walk out this past year. My oldest son {22} was a prodigal for 4 years. He is home now however has not surrender his life over to Christ. God has really worked on my heart to love my son right where he is, as I love Him, so that through me he will come to surrender to the Lord.
Many times I want to “fix things” and tell him what to do.
The Lord will gentle say it is not your job, just love him and let me do the rest. I do just that.For the most part I see him searching but not ready to give his whole life over. As a mom that is hard to swallow however trust God will work it all out as I pray for my son daily.
I will say the more practice we have at loving our children right where they are, the better we get. Sometimes we see the path that our children are taking and we gasp for air knowing that if they continue what could happen. Our flesh will flare and we will voice our opinion in a way that hinders God working in our children.
That is how we know that we have stepped in front of God to take things into our own hands.
He only needs us to keep our eyes focused on Him and love our children like we love Him. He will do the rest in our children through us. Keeping our eyes fixed on Him through every passing moment is how we love our children right where they are.
Pointing them to Christ in every situation they find themselves in. Providing them with grace that was given so freely to us when they make a mistake, fall off path and stumble. Ask them to forgive us when we step in front of God. Show them always the hope in the Cross no matter what they have done.
Our children need to know that we are their biggest cheerleader and that God is there for them always. That we will always provide them with God’s truth no matter the outcome. That we love them right where they are, just like God loves us, no matter what they have done.
Having full trust in our Savior over our children’s life.
How has God showed you how to love your children right where they are? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comment below.
April says
Thank you. I needed to hear this. I have a 12 year old son who is often angry and I can’t figure out why. But now I see I don’t need to know why… I just have to trust God why.