My Mother’s Quilts {Book Review}
I grew up around ladies that loved to sew. They got together and worked on their projects once a week and came together to create to special gift when one of their group had something wonderful or tragic happen in their lives. I can remember learning to sew on my grandmother’s treadle Singer sewing machine. That machine is still in our family and is used my my Aunt Terri. One day I hope to own that piece of our family history but just writing about it has me tearing up. So many memories are tied to my grandmother.
I think this is why I loved this book, My Mother’s Quilts by Ramona Richards. Each of her quilts featured in this book have a story. While reading it, I had to go pull out my quilts and spend some time thinking about the story behind them and the people that spent hours and hours creating them.
Both my grandmothers made quilts. One made them on her machine because her hands would not allow her work the intricate stitching needed while the other one could always be found on the floor pieces and sewing her latest quilt.
They would both tell me why they were making the current quilt. It wasn’t just a hobby or a project to fill the time. They would tell me that the pattern was to show unity when making a quilt for a couple getting married, or that each center block was from an outfit that was worn by the person receiving it.
I used to quilt all the time. Since both of these ladies have passed on, I have struggled with being able to pull out all the unfinished quilts and make any progress. You see, most quilters do not just make one and then move on to the next one. They have many, many pieces that are woven together over time. Often the “top” would be completed and then set aside because another friend had a need to be loved on. These “tops” are what I have left from both of my grandmothers.
[bctt tweet=”Quilting is a passion – not a project. #MyMothersQuilt #FlyBy ” username=”theHSVillage”]
About the Book:
Inspired by thirty family heirloom quilts, each devotion depicts the enduring legacy of faith, family and tradition. Rich, personal, sometimes heartbreaking, often funny, each reading provides a lesson and encouragement from the faithful women who crafted the quilts.
Full-color photographs of each quilt show the style and artistry of each beautiful work. The quilts, sewn by several generations over more than one-hundred years, are as unique and lovely as the hands that created them. The oldest was buried during the Civil War to keep it safe and the author’s mother created the newest in the last years of her life.
[bctt tweet=”A quilt is love that serves a purpose. #MyMothersQuilt #FlyBy” username=”theHSVillage”]
Here is an excerpt from the book for you to enjoy. It is about A Faded Pattern – Carolina Lily
“The fabric definitely dates to the 1830s or 1840s.”
I watched my cousin Becky carefully run white-gloved hands over the vintage quilt, comparing the cloth to examples in one of her books on the history of fabrics. The faded quilt, tattered and worn around the edges, lay spread over the museum table. It doesn’t look like much, compared to modern quilts, with their brilliant colors and innovative patterns. The colors of the familiar Carolina Lily pattern have paled from bright red and green to orange and brown. The white background is now umber. It is smaller than recently made quilts, built for narrow mattresses of corn shucks or straw.
Becky paused over one square. “Here.” She pointed. “That one only appeared in that decade. And the wool batting puts it pre-Civil War.” The handwoven back places its construction in North Carolina, confirming the family stories of the young couple who trusted God with an unknown future on the other side of the mountains. It even comes with its own legend: in order to keep it from being confiscated by marauders and soldiers alike, it spent the Civil War buried in a trunk in the barn, along with some other valuables.
After the war, it wasn’t used much, but it passed down from one woman to the next. My grandmother would take it out each year, air it over an outside clothesline, then lovingly pack it away, sharing the age-old tales about the quilt as she did so. Stories of love, faith, and sacrifice, such as most families have dotting their past.
By the time my mother received it, it had deteriorated too much for restoration, so the family made the decision to wrap it in acid-free paper, in an equally acid-free box, and donate it to the St. Clair County (Alabama) Museum and Archives, where it’s displayed occasionally, a marker of the area’s history.
But it’s far more than that. It’s a faded symbol of something that never fades. While we cherish the Carolina Lily because it’s a legacy of our handicraft, it’s also a reminder that faith and family, and a belief that God will take care of us, endures in the same way: passed down to the next generation.
After describing each quilt and the history of it, there is a prayer starter that I found touching and encouraging. The prayer starter for the Carolina Lily was:
Father, you have blessed your children across thousands of years and shown them how to disciple and love their own. Guide me as I pass my faith to a new generation of believers. Amen.
Scripture can be found woven in the pages of this book too. As with the quilt patterns, the heart behind making it is based on loving and caring for one another.
She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. Proverbs 31:13
I am so sure you would be blessed from reading this book that I am sharing a special giveaway with you. You can win one of the quilts featured in #MyMothersQuilts by Ramona Richards! Also up for grabs: loads of other prizes including quilting hand warmers, coloring books, and 25 signed copies of Ramona’s book. Winners will be emailed after the contest ends on June 30, 2016.
About the Author:
Ramona Richards is an award-winning editor, speaker, author of nine books, and a frequent contributor to devotional collections. An avid live music fan, Ramona loves Nashville, which she’s called home since she was ten. Sensing her mother was near the end of her life, Ramona documented her mother’s stories and lessons behind each family quilt. These stories form the devotions in My Mother’s Quilts. Find out more about Ramona and her books by connecting with her online.
To purchase a copy of this book, visit . Also connect on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates and announcements of new releases.
Are you a quilter? Share your thoughts with us below.
[bctt tweet=”Memories are woven in the patterns of quilts. What is yours going to say? #MyMothersQuilts #FlyBy” username=”theHSVillage”]
Looks like a good read.
I never had the patience or the will to learn how to sew.
My goodness what a great book.. I wold never have heard of it if I had not come here to this site.. thank you
I had done several of my own.I did not get taught how to do this.It just came to me!
I learned to quilt from my mom who learned from her grandmom it’s a tradition in our family
I have always loved quilts. I wish I could make my own quilt. This is something that is a treasure to pass down to family after family member.
This book sounds absolutely lovely. I’m adding it to my to-read list!
This inspired me to start looking through old patterns and fabric remnants you never know what I may come up with
This is awesome! I have been wanting to make a quilt for some time, but I can never decide on a design or fabric colors or patterns. There are so many decisions before you can even get started in laying it all out and then sewing it all up. One day I will!
I have never quilted, but I would really like to learn and get into it! I think it would be amazing to make my own. The first one I would want to try making is a quilt out of my kids baby clothes! 🙂
This sounds so good! The excerpt you included totally hooked me. I love history. This book is right up my alley!
What a lovely book! I have always wanted to do quilting. They are truly heirlooms to pass down to your family.
My grandmother taught me a lot about quilting until see passed. I have a quilt of hers that was patched with a piece of all the clothes she made. It’s my favorite.
Thank you for the review. It sounds like a lovely book.
I love books about family history. I also learned to sew on my grandmother’s Singer. Every woman in my family had matching Singers that were all bought at the same time in the 1950’s by my Aunt who was an employee of the state home economics extension office. This book would be right up my alley.
This would be nice to read before bed
I’m not a quilter, but I have a friend who is…I think her work is beautiful.
My mother in law gave handed down quilts over 100 yrs old to my daughter & I a couple years ago and I almost cried. They are quite beautiful and a lost art form. Those gifts meant more to me than anything purchased.
Beautiful. My one grandmother made quilts – I cherish mine. I wish i knew how to do it myself.
My mother loves to sew also! I never learned growing up but she just recently taught me and I’m slowly getting better 🙂
I love quilting. I’ve only made one but have an appreciation for the time and craftsmanship that goes into it.
Often the “top” would be completed and then set aside because another friend had a need to be loved on. These “tops” are what I have left from both of my grandmothers.
20 years ago while cleaning out a old barn my uncle found a trunk. In it was 3 “top” for me and 3 for my sister. My grandma had labeled each one with our names, these top had been in there over 30 years.
Quilting is a great,super relaxing hobby if you’re advanced there are tons of things you can do to make the project your own.
I’ve always wanted a quilt made from my kids & Grandbabies clothes.
I love quilting ,I larned from my mom and grandmom they were so good at it
I’ll have to check out this book, sounds like a really nice read.
I love how quilts are made and the history behind them. I started a quilt years ago but, have yet to finish it. The top part is made which was the hard part ( or so I thought)
I love to quilt this book sounds good.I’ll have to get it.