Online Classes-Knowing What You Need is Key
In recent years online classes for homeschool students have grown. This increase provides homeschool students a variety of online class options. And, patient it connects them with other homeschool students all over the world.
Knowing what you need will help you as you shop for online classes. And, treat it will help you determine if an online class or school is a fit for your child.
Here are a few things to consider.
- Are you looking for a class to fit the need for your social butterfly? You’ll want to look for an online class or school that offers some social aspect. While you do want the class to be a time for learning, stuff you might not want it so restrictive that your child doesn’t have the opportunity to make friends at all.
- Are you looking for a class because you have a child who needs some positive student peer pressure or another person for accountability? A very structured class with firm deadlines and limited social times might be your answer. If you are looking for a class that offers grading, be sure to check details. And, prepare your child by making sure they are aware of all deadlines. Be sure you partner with the teacher by not making excuses if your child misses a deadline. This will help prepare them for future college and work deadlines.
- Are you looking for an option where you can select one online class only? Or, a fun supplemental online class? You can pick and choose online classes the same way you pick and choose your curriculum. There are one time classes that will tie into your current studies. There are even one-time fun classes.
I’ve run into online classes which aren’t truly live classes where you student is participating as its happening but instead is a recorded session. Keep this in mind as you look into options.
You’ll also want to check to see if your live online class is recorded for viewing at a later time. It’s important you have an option for viewing the class should you miss it due to illness or internet outage. It’s also great review if students can watch the class recording and catch anything they might have missed during the live session.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Just as we research homeschool curriculum by going to conventions, asking questions, and talking to homeschool friends, do the same when researching online classes. And, connect with the companies offering online classes. Most companies are excited to talk to the homeschool families they serve. They’re usually happy to answer questions if you contact them.
Knowing what you need from an online class is important. Once you know what you need, look around and don’t be afraid to connect with companies offering online classes.
Take a look at the great options for online classes available. I think you’ll be surprised at the class options now connecting homeschool students around the world!
Would you like the opportunity to try online classes with your family? Currclick is giving away a $50 giftcard to one of our readers! Enter below.
Hi! I’m Leah Nieman. I’m a wife, homeschool mom and Co-founder of My husband and I live with our 2 children in Central, Illinois. We’ve homeschooled since 2001 and have just crossed the “homeschool finish line” with our oldest daughter. I’ve been using eCurriculum and other forms of online educational resources in our home since 2002. I juggle family life, homeschooling and work while trying to keep it all balanced with the amazing love and support of my family. It’s somewhat of a learning curve and I find it’s always a work in progress.
I would spend my money on items for my 2nd grade classroom.
I would like the first step starter first year history.
I would use the $ towards either the Botany class or the Bird class for my oldest.
This would be a great blessing for my family to help with the next school years curriculum. Thanks for the opportunity!!
I think I’d spend it on Astronomy (Elementary Students-Apologia) Summer 2013 *
I think I’d spend it on Astronomy (Elementary Students-Apologia) Summer 2013 .
I’m thinking a math course for my fourth grader. She starts yawning every time I mention Math. Perhaps live interaction would help keep her awake! 🙂
I lOVE CurrClick! I would use the money for multiplication “stuff” to help my kiddos as they are TRYING to grasp this “new” concept.
I’d spend it on notebooking pages!
My child loves to use the computer and works well independently. We would love the opportunity to try an on-line class.
I would definitely use it to make our holiday celebrations more fun! I love all the creative celebration activities with learning snuck in!