It’s time to start school again. I’m not as excited as I have been in years past, although I’ve been talking it up to the girls and putting on my happy face. To be honest, I’m tired. I have put prayer and thought into making changes so our homeschool will match what I feel God has placed on my heart. I have spent the summer reading the Bible in 90 Days plan and 7 Tools for Cultivating Your Child’s Potential by Zan Tyler. I have also watched a lot of The Biggest Loser on Netflix (with its infamous challenges). And, in His goodness, God gave me an understanding about this homeschooling life. It’s not original, but it definitely fits.
Homeschooling is not a sprint. It’s a marathon.
Just like the other “races” I’m running, I want to finish this race—and finish it well. I want to homeschool my children with grace and love so they see God’s love and grace reflected in my life. I want to run with perseverance (Hebrews 12:1) and, at the end, have my Father tell me, “Well done.”
To do this, I have set some new goals for our homeschool:
- I will choose my battles. I will let go of my need for absolute control so that we can have a peaceful home and enjoy one another. I will fight for those things that are truly important, those that have eternal implications, but I will let the rest go, including the need to fulfill every expectation others have for us.
- I will choose relationship over academics. This doesn’t mean that I will not push my children to learn and excel. It does mean that I will take time to investigate and address the causes of resistance and frustration so that my relationship with my children isn’t destroyed in the process. If I see my children through to graduation but they can’t wait to get out of the house and away from me, I have failed.
- I will choose training over punishment. I have spent years putting my kids in time out and taking away privileges. (I still believe those consequences have their time and place.) In our home, I have seen very little change after these “episodes.” Spending time to train my children using Scriptures that address the heart issues we’re dealing with has led to greater changes in our home—and our hearts. (I have not been exempt from the conviction that comes from reading the Bible as it relates to these issues.)
As I look at these goals and imagine the difference they can make in my home and my family, I feel what I was missing before: hope. Now, I’m getting excited!
“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NKJV)
What are your goals for the new school year?
Sue Sobczak says
Goals?! We’re supposed to have goals?! Ugh.
Just kidding. But, now that I think about it, I haven’t written them or spoken them in…in…well in a long time. I think I should do that. Thanks for the inspiration! This is year 13 of homeschooling for me and I have at least 15 more. I’m with you on the marathon analogy.
Kris says
I could have written this! Although I did not do all of the introspective work you did this summer, your realizations speak to me. Thank you for sharing.
Jennifer says
You’re welcome, Kris! I appreciate your kind words and am glad that this was a source of encouragement to you.
Morgan says
This will be my first year homeschooling, though it’s been on my heart for about 3 years now. I’m so touched by what you’ve shared here. It’s been so incredible for me to stumble on honest, God-loving, God-honoring, God-loving women who want nothing more than to please their Father by fulfilling their role as mother. For the past several months I had been struggling with a ‘what now?’ feeling, as I found myself in a new place in my life — not needing or wanting to work outside the home. Yet I couldn’t see myself staying home every day and sending my kids off to school. Something was missing. Finally, I turned to where I feel the Lord was leading & wouldn’t you just know…. peace that passes all understanding 🙂 Now of course I don’t expect it to be easy! But being able to find wonderful women such as yourself, who will share themselves… well that is certainly an encouragement! God bless you as you begin this new have a very godly perspective!
Laura in Montana says
Great post. You received some wonderful insight this summer. I agree with each item on your list. My biggest goal will be to combine relationship – laughing especially – with learning. Focus on the basics of academics while never, ever forgetting that I only have my children with me for a short time. I want to make the most of it. I want my children to remember these years as one of my smiling face and approval and love for them; not a scowling schoolmarm who is displeased with how they are behaving.
Thanks for getting me to focus on that!
Heather Bowen says
I love this post!!! Thank you so much for your openness. God impressed many of those things upon my heart this year too.
Connie says
Yes! That’s what it’s all about, girl! You will have days when it’s hard to remember and walk out your new goals, but press on. You are going to have a beautiful year forging new habits and relationship with your lovelies!
Carol Anne says
Oh, Jennifer, I am sharing this w/ my local homeschool community. That relationship over academic thing gets so much harder as they reach high school because the clock ticks so much louder with the approach of SAT’s, etc.. UGH! Thanks for a timely reminder!