We have all done it. A new mom walks in, and you immediately look her over from her hair to her shoes. Why? Why is it that we do this? For me, I like to check out other people’s fashion. I love shoes and purses. They are an addiction for me. So, I like seeing what others have chosen.
However, I have also been witness (and maybe guilty on occasion) of being critical. You know the feeling when you walk in somewhere and you see someone giving you the look over, then feeling the negative body language coming from the individual. Why is it that women do this to each other? We all know how bad it makes us feel when others do this to us. So, why on earth would we want to make someone else feel this way?
As women, it is so easy to fall into the comparison game.
We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.
2 Corinthians 10:12
Every single person on this planet is a gift from God, and has a purpose. We are all unique and different, but it is our differences that make us all fit beautifully into the great big puzzle of life.
In the homeschool world we do pretty much the same thing. When someone new to the co-op or our church walks in and they say that they homeschool, sometimes we start the comparison game again. What curriculum do they use? What reading level is their child on? What is their schedule like? Honestly, what does it even matter?
We have to be content with who we are. We can not waste valuable time and energy constantly playing the comparison game. You can find a hundred ways where you seem inadequate compared to others. But, what about the thousands of ways that you are equally as awesome?! We all have our strong points. Be confident and start focusing on your strengths!
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