What a delight and treasure childhood is. I love being a parent. To be a homeschooling parent does bring a new dimension and level of responsibility but again I love it!
I am blessed with children that have special medical and learning needs.
That means that sadly there are times that their hard-earned progress is wiped away in a single seizure or stroke. One moment you are homeschooling the next months of hard work are gone.
That’s what happened to my son. He learned his alphabet three times. We had a series of illnesses running through the house. When my son had recovered from being sick he couldn’t remember his alphabet. Months later another bout of illnesses and the beginnings of the alphabet was gone yet again, generic this time so was some writing ability. Once again we started out to learn that pesky alphabet.
The summer came and he was making progress. Age-wise he was nearing 2nd grade. This time he had a minor stroke. The alphabet was gone. His writing regressed. That September my brave little warrior started his 2nd grade year with math at grade level and reading at beginning K level.
The beauty of homeschooling is that we had the time and flexibility to allow my son to recover.
Then relearn the lost skills at his own pace. I was also able to gather around us a team of therapists and doctors that shared that encouraging, supportive enthusiasm.
I have always kept high hopes for him. I always encouraged him to do better. My job through these tough times is to keep our eyes on the bigger picture. This time of struggle will pass. He is not alone and his family will be with him to support him every step of the way.
He has been steadily learning for several years now. What will his journey bring? I don’t know. I do know that with the gift of time on our side we will keep learning and growing over the years no matter how long it takes.
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