Not too long ago I heard a quote that revolutionized the way that I think about change,
“You can suffer the pain of change or suffer remaining the way you are.”
- Does the thought of change make you cringe?
- Do you wait until the New Year comes around to make a commitment to change?
- Do you fret over things that you can’t change?
- Do you embrace the opportunity for change?
Heavy questions. I know! I’ve had to ask myself those same things and really thought that I was being real and honest with my answers.
The bright side of change is that we recognize a need for improvement.
Let’s look at those questions in light of home education and parenting.
Often times, improvement must come through self-education; taking a class, reading a book, asking the advice of a trusted source, asking our children questions about us (oooh! I know what you may be feeling on this one!).
When our children watch us develop a hunger to improve in different areas, it will more than likely spur them on to do the same. This goes hand in hand with God’s Word that says,
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6
What does change for the new year look like for me? Its the same theme year after year because it never gets old nor does it go out of style. Ready?! Being intentional!
The list of things to be intentional about could possibly be endless, but this is something that should be tackled one item at a time.
I ask you, dear reader, what will change look like for you in the coming months?
Kela home educates 6 children in South Carolina. You can find her blogging at Pursuing What Is Excellent
Image Credit: dan /
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