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Just last year, we bit the bullet and bought our family an iPad. I am so glad we did. We used it almost every day to reinforce literacy skills, not to mention other content areas. Here are some of the literacy apps my kids enjoy almost on a daily basis.
Apps in Left Column {from top to bottom}:
- Magnetic Alphabet- {$1.99} This app has saved me from hearing my son complain, “I can’t find that letter” as he spells his words with real magnetic letters. Plus, there are fun backgrounds, too!
- Starfall ABCs– {$2.99} While you can find this same game on, the app is something my 3 and 4 year old enjoy on the go!
- Ending Sound Sorts– {$1.99}Developed by a Reading Recovery Specialist. This is a great app to stretch your child’s awareness of letter sounds in words. Works best AFTER the child has mastered beginning sounds.
- Word Family Sorts– {$1.99} This is a great app for learning to read simple word family words. The child matches the pictures to the simple CVC word {such as cat, fan, or bag}.
- BOB Books Reading Magic Set 1– {$3.99}This app has four different levels and reinforces spelling simple words and left to right order. If your child likes the BOB Books, this is the perfect app to make them come alive! There’s also a BOB Books Reading Magic #2 app.
Apps in Right Column {from top to bottom}:
- Spelling Space {1st grade pictured}– {$0.99} This is such a FUN app for practicing sight words. Kids can play games and earn asteroids as they correctly spell words. Then they can fire their asteroids at spaceships. Spelling Space also has a version for 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade. Spelling lists are preloaded from the most commonly used words in that grade level. But, if you’re looking to load your own spelling list, Spelling Space Ultimate would be the app for you {$1.99}.
- Word BINGO– {$ 0.99} This is another sight word spelling app that my son loves to play. It’s based off of a game on The sight word lists are based off of the Dolch Word Lists {PreK through 3rd grade}.
- Word Sort Wizard– {$3.99} This app isn’t the most exciting app in the world, BUT it works for reinforcing word sorts from our word study program in a different way during the week. I just bought it recently and plan on using it next year with my oldest two sons. The sorts start out with simple CVC words and go all the way to prefixes, suffixes and antonyms…quite a range!
- Scribble Press– {$3.99} This app is great for writing. Kids can create their own stories or fill in stories and create books. These books can be saved and read over and over again.
- Toontastic– {FREE, but All Access is $19.99} Another great app for creative writing. Kids can choose their own setting and characters, then record their own voices to create a story. I LOVE the parent setting, where it gives a visual of how a story plot should look for fiction. Such a great resource for teaching kids how to write good stories!
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