A few favorite links from last week!
Chore and Routine System from Boasting in My Weakness
5+ Tips and Resources for Special Needs Homeschool Planning from Under God’s Mighty Hand
7 Toddler Learning Activities with Mega Blocks from Mom Inspired Life
What is eligible? Anything applicable to homeschooling: daily life, stories, how-to posts, encouragement, curriculum reviews, giveaways…basically anything that another homeschool family might find useful or interesting. Link-up a few if you’d like!
What do we ask? It would be great if you would link back to our site so that your readers can find all of the great resources shared here, too. Just grab the code below!
<div align="center"><a href="http://thehomeschoolvillage.com" title="The Homeschool Village"><img src="http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u435/ksorgius/hsvbutton150_zpsab2caeef.jpg" alt="The Homeschool Village" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Betty Jo says
LaToya, it looks like another wonderful link up today. Thank you for hosting! betty jo
Danielle @ Mom Inspired Life says
Thanks so much for featuring my Mega Bloks post this week!
Lauren says
Thanks for the link up opportunity today. I have already found new blogs to follow!
Caroline says
Thank you so much for sharing my special needs planning post! I loved those other posts featured, as well.