While fall is my favorite season here in the mountains, I enjoy the spring season just as much. I love to see the flowers and trees blooming. Spring is when the mountains come alive with new growth all over. It is also when I take the time to look over our school year to see how much my children and I have grown as well.
It is important for us as parents to teach our children to grow in all areas of life. There are a few areas that I would like to share with you. I love seeing the kids bloom and grow in the area of their academics. In today’s world, it is so important that we teach our children how to read, write and do math. Some children don’t learn as quickly as others and that is okay! God has made everyone special and it makes it that much more special when He allows for it to just click when a child starts reading.
Another area I look back on is how my children have grown with life skills. Depending on their ages, have I taught them how to live life if I wasn’t around? Yes, I think it is important for children to learn to cook, clean up after themselves and to help others when the need arrives. They are part of a family and need to know when to pitch in. If mom or dad happens to get sick, it is a relief to us to know that they can fix a simple meal.
Character traits are also important to my husband and I. This is really where I look to see how I have grown and if I have set a good example for the kids. Have I set an example of being kind, honest, dependable, responsible? Have they seen us help a family in need of food, shelter and clothing. They can only learn so much from reading books. I can promise you they are watching EVERY move you make.
To me though, the most important area I like to see growth in is their relationship with Jesus. First off, I need to check my relationship with Jesus before I can look to see if a growth has been made in my children. Our children learn by example and if I have been a sorry example of not reading my bible and studying His Word, then I shouldn’t expect any growth in them. If I give 100%, then so will my children.
I know I have done a lot of growing this year, and I have seen my children grow in many areas as well. I encourage you to take the time to see how you and your children have grown during this school year.
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