Wise Guys: Unlocking Hidden Wisdom from the Men Around You
I think it is the genetic makeup of men to want to figure it out on their own. I also think that being willing to allow other men to instruct you takes a special relationship. Women don’t seem to have this struggle. We run, don’t walk, to the nearest woman that can teach us what we need to know.
We have always instructed our children, but especially our young men to look around them and see who walks the walk they would like to see themselves in years from now. We teach them that you can gain wisdom one of two ways. You can make all the mistakes your self and suffer the consequences or you can learn from the mistakes of others. The latter is less painful on you, but young men (at least ours) had to make some hum dingers on their own before they started patterning their lives after the men they respected.
This book discusses the wisdom that can be gained by surrounding yourself with the type of people that you respect and look up to because of their knowledge and wisdom. It reminds me of the saying, “You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t possibly live long enough to make them all yourself”.
Formatted like a devotional study, there are 17 key topics addressed as they opened with a story or life example of the author, followed by key lessons to be learned or considered and wrapped up with a list of questions for self examination.
Book Description:
For guys, more than ever, it’s a confusing world. Your GPS doesn’t offer any maps showing how to get to the point of wisdom — and who likes asking for directions anyway? But there are ways to get that guidance you need. The answers may be all around you, in the form of guys you already know. Wise guys. More experienced guys. Better-traveled guys. Could there be ways to tap into their invaluable knowledge without enduring dull lectures or taking pages of notes?
Kent Evans has surrounded himself with these wise guys. They have shown him all the back roads on the way to wisdom. With a great deal of humor and an endless supply of stories, he wants to show you how to gather life-enriching truth from the guys in your own circle.
Mark Hancock, award-winning writer and Chief Executive Officer of Trail Life USA writes: “I’ve always defined true ministry as the process of walking through something with God and then being vulnerable enough to turn around and walk someone else through, too. Kent’s infectious passion to develop Christ-like men is evident in his writing and you will be both challenged and inspired by this collection of characteristic profiles of men who have gone before to show the way. Bravo, Kent. You are walking us through.”
About the Author:
Kent Evans is the board chairman and co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that helps fathers and mentors build the next generation of godly men. Kent has personally experienced how the guidance of godly men can change the course of a life. Today he is blessed with a solid 20-year marriage, four wonderful sons and a fulfilling life – largely because of what he’s learned from other men. He lives in Louisville, Kentucky, and can be found on Twitter @manhoodjourney.
For more information, visit the official website of Manhood Journey. Purchase the book on Amazon. And make sure to connect on Twitter for the latest promotions and daily encouraging tweets!
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