Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Do you find yourself looking back over the past year and making the conscious decision to make changes in the year to come?
What if this year, sales instead of making New Year’s Resolutions, salve you decided to make goals instead?
Did you know that there is a difference?
Resolutions {in general} are vague “wishes, vcialis 40mg ” if you will, of things you’d like to change in your life.
Goals {when set using the “SMART” method}, on the other hand, are specific and measurable points on a timeline.
The 3in30 Challenge is all about helping you to make your goals reality.
Whether your goals are related to homeschooling, homemaking, your family, your faith, blogging, eating, exercising, or anything else you can think of, we want to help!
Through education and information, we help you learn how to set SMART goals and how to break down your goals into bite-sized pieces.
Not only do we educate you on how to set goals, we add an incredible community of accountability {through our weekly linkups/check-ins} and encouragement {on Twitter and Facebook} to help you stick to your plan and make your goals reality.
We’d love for you to join us starting in 2012!
The 3in30 Challenge is managed and moderated by Ashley Pichea.
what do u call things that are in the middle?
That’s a really good question… dreams, maybe? 🙂