The road trip is just about as American as apple pie and baseball. Often, the destination isn’t as important as the trip itself. The trip itself is what makes the whole trip an adventure. Almost everyone has stories about going on car trips while young, some are more colorful than others, but everyone has a story.
From our home base in Michigan, we have driven out west to South Dakota and Nebraska, we have been to North Carolina twice, with various shorter trips in between. Right after Christmas we are packing up the crew and heading to Florida. We have learned a few tips and strategies along the way to make traveling with six kids ages 11 and under and bit smoother. Of course when traveling, particularly with children, some unexpected challenges can and will occur.
Things To Pack On A Road Trip With Kids
1. First Aid Kit – Make sure to stock the first aid kit with plenty of bandaids, an ice pack, and baby wipes. Even if none of your children are in diapers (none of ours are), baby wipes are indispensable for wiping up kids, washing hands, and taking care of other little messes. Be sure to pack any and all medicines in your travel bags, keep that travel bag on top of your luggage pile, but don’t leave medicines in the car! We leave our first aid kit and baby wipes in the car at all times.
2. Blanket/Pillow – Have each child bring along a small blanket and pillow. A blanket and pillow make riding in the car that much more comfortable.
3. Pack Breakfast & Lunch – We usually leave early in the morning and drive for a little bit before digging into breakfast. It makes the morning rush that much easier without breakfast clean up before leaving the house. We also pack a lunch so we don’t need to stop. Last time we traveled I made up little “happy meals” for the kids. I packed their lunch in a paper sack and then included a couple of little candy treats as well as a couple of small items from the dollar store. It was a fun little surprise for all of them. It goes without saying to go easy on the drinks!
4. Shoes – Have younger kids wear slip on shoes like crocs. Most kids like to have their shoes off while riding in the car and it makes stopping for bathroom breaks that much easier when you don’t have to wait for a gaggle of little kids to tie shoes or for you to do it for them.
5. Snacks – No explanation needed. A snack diversion is always welcome and fun.
6. Bag of Goodies – Stash a few extra goodies in your bag for the return trip home. An extra coloring book, picture book, or other little toys so they have something new to play with for a bit.
7. Books on CD – I know lots of families really enjoy listening to audio CD’s in the car, but honestly we have never been too successful with them. No one in my family seems to be quiet long enough to listen to them!
8. Make an audio CD – We have had success with making our own audio CD’s to listen to. Instead of trying to find decent music on different radio stations as you’re rolling down the highway, we make our own. It’s so simple to do now and fun to pick different songs from your iTunes library. Songs that are special and fun to your family.
Bonus Tips
9. Leave a Tidy House – Getting ready for a trip is hectic, but take some time before you leave to tidy up your home. Nothing worse than coming home from a trip with a truck load of dirty laundry as well as a messy house!
10. Exercise Breaks – This was my husbands idea and it works great. Whenever we stop for bathroom breaks he gathers the crew for some good old fashioned calisthenics. Jumping jacks, sprints, and general stretching helps to get some wiggles out and usually gets everyone giggling. And yes, we do look silly jumping and running around, that’s why I’m usually hiding in the van, but my kids and my husband love it! Think about keeping a small football, frisbee, or soccer ball handy for stopping at a rest stop.
11. Return Dinner – I always mean to do this yet never remember before we leave, have something waiting in the refrigerator or freezer to eat upon returning home from a trip!
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