Yeah, I know that on the surface this doesn’t appear to be about homeschooling, but it really is. You see, I think we can spend hours of precious time organizing our homeschool for success, but miss the importance of managing our bodies. (As I type this, one of my boys just screamed hateful words at another. Yep, just keeping it real.) Have you ever found yourself having to lay aside the day’s school assignments to deal with unwholesome talk? If you find your family struggling to manage the words that come out of your mouth, this ebook is for you!
It’s not just a feel-good encouraging read, it’s a 30-day practical Bible study that will help you in the struggle to manage your tongue. And the best part? There is a companion guide for your kids. Each day you will find encouragement from God’s Word, copywork, and journal pages. The author, Connie Hughes is not only a friend, but a fabulous mother of 8 who through her blog has offered helpful tips to moms for many years! You will love her humor and her zeal for God.
Click on the images below to buy the adult version, kid’s version, or the bundle set! Get started managing your tongue, today…
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