You can call them, JennJam. That seems to be their new title around the homeschooling community. Jenn Perry and Jamerrill Stewart have teamed up their homeschool-mom-blogging energies as the new co-owners of The Homeschool Village.
Howdy! My name is Jamerrill Stewart. I’m absolutely blessed and honored to be a part of the unfolding plan for The Homeschool Village. It’s neat to see how the Lord intertwines plans and purposes – many times keeping us in the dark until the right moment. My buddy Jenn and I have worked together on many projects during the last year. God didn’t show us until a few weeks ago; He teamed us up to tackle bigger undertakings together – like homeschool communities! Now, it’s undeniable that we’ve been brought together to lead The Homeschool Village into its next season of serving homeschool families.
I’m a homeschooling mother of a large and growing family. We currently have 6-children (1, 3, 6, 9, 12 – #6 due 2013), 4-boys and 1-monkey girl in the middle. I cherish every day that I spend with them. Besides salvation, and my hunky 6-ft-6 hubby of 15 years, they’re my greatest joy. We live in rural America, with orchards down the road, and farm animals as neighbors. Our tire swings, ziiiiiip line, trampoline, and pond are a daily asset to homeschool PE. If we’re not outside enjoying the country air, we can be found lost in a great read aloud (most-likely with a huge bowl of popcorn).
I share much of my family journey as we live the life of faith at Holy Spirit-led Homeschooling. There, I talk a lot about homeschooling, big {beautiful} family living; and my heart for dishing out lots of help for moms. Next, there’s the deal snagging, freebie-frenzied, side of me. So much so, the goodie sharing couldn’t be contained on my main site; it spilled over into a new creation. You can find bargains, deals, and TONS of free stuff for your homeschool family at
I’m Jenn. We are a family of four, living in southwest Florida. We are a family who loves to live and lives to learn.
That whole unschooling thing? Yeah, it really works. Have doubts? You should meet my kids.
I work from home (and a lot of times from the road) and run a marketing company. I am blessed to work with some of the most amazing people on the planet.
Daze of Adventure is a peak into our lives. It began almost 7 years ago as a ‘website’ (before blogs) to share pictures with our family when we moved 1000 miles away.
Today, it’s amazing to look back see how that little seed has grown.
When we are not on the road, we can usually be found on the ball field. Or at the beach. We are a gluten-free family. I am a NASA groupie and a huge fan of social media. And I tend to avoid laundry like the plague.
I echo Jam in saying I am blessed beyond measure for the opportunity to work with these ladies at the Village in this next season. I’m looking forward to seeing what this next chapter holds!
Congratulations you two! May you be blessed while you bless others!
Congratulations and blessings to both of you. Look forward to the days and months ahead.
How cool! Welcome to the adventure you two brave, brave women!
Yeah, and I can say “I knew you ladies before you joined this amazing team! Looking forward to what you ladies have planned.
I’m so excited for you two! I’m looking forward to getting to know you both better.
Love both of you precious ladies! Congratulations on this new blessing in your lives. Much prayer and love sent to you from our family!
Congrats!! So excited for you both and look forward to what God has in store for both of you!
It is a pleasure to see you ladies in yet another place! Looking forward to being a part of the upcoming journey here at HSV!
I’m excited for you ladies! Congrats!! It will be fun to watch God take HSV into its next season.
Wonderful to hear this, congratulations!! Excited to see what the Lord leads in the way of direction and I love when things work out and then you look behind you and see the plan. You know what they say about hindsight! Hugs to you both and I can say I’ve met you online and in person and you are both the “real deal”… beauties as well inside and out!
Congrats…a little late. Better late than never. I’m excited for both of you and look forward to seeing your personality shine through this site. You’ll do a fantastic job!