Each year during our Christmas break from schooling, I complete a mid-year review of our homeschooling progress.
This is a great tool for me, as it shows me how much we have already accomplished but yet it gives me a chance to really assess the situation, to determine what is working well {or not so much} for us. It also allows me to think about the remainder of the year and formulate new goals for each child.
This year as I was completing our Mid-Year Review, I realized I needed a more systematic approach. I like structure, lists and forms. So, I came up with five areas of schooling that I would evaluate for each child and made a very handy printable to complete for each child.
I’m sharing this with you in hopes that it will also help you in reviewing, organizing and planning the remainder of your school year.
Here are the five ares of evaluation {Don’t miss the FREE printable evaluation form at the end of the post}:
- Are you on track with attendance?
Does your state have attendance requirements? In North Carolina, we are recommended to operate on a 180 day school schedule. The easiest way I’ve found to determine if we are on track is to count up how many days we have already completed, subtract that number from 180 and divide by five (or four if you do four day school weeks). That lets me know how many more weeks of school we must complete. - How is your curriculum working {or not working} for you?
Is it a good fit for your family?
Do your kids enjoy it? Are they excited about school? Are they bored?
Does it produce more smiles than tears?
Is it causing YOU too much headache? Too much outside/prep work?
Can you see your family continuing with this curriculum for the remainder of the year and being happy with it?If you are happy with your curriculum choices, keep going! If not though, find something better. There is no shame in admitting something isn’t working. No matter how much money you spent, if it is causing your stress level to increase, it’s not worth it. - How is your homeschooling schedule working out?
Do you need to make some adjustments?
Do you need to factor any new additions into your schedule? {co-ops, new jobs, new babies, etc.}
Are you happy with your schedule? Is your family happy with your schedule?
Don’t be afraid to tweak your schedule and try something new! - Review your goals from the beginning of the year.
Check off items you’ve completed.
Look at the goals that are not complete yet. Are they still valid? Do they need to be tweaked? - Write new goals for the remainder of the year.
Include field trips you plan to take, books to read and special projects to complete.
Click here to download your own Mid-Year Review printable forms (3Pages)!
Renee @ Great Peace says
What a super great idea! this is one of those, ‘why didn’t I think of that?’ kind of things. Since it’s still close to the middle of the school year I think I will be doing this. Thanks so much!
Stopped in from Titus 2sdays. 🙂
Jessy at Our Side of the Mountain says
Awesome! I was just thinking about doing a mid-year review. On Tuesday, we will be half-way through our legal requirements for days. But I review things after 6-7 weeks as we have sessions that are 6-7 weeks long with a week off to rest. It’s a great idea to evaluate often!