If you’d like to join in the book club for Journeys of Faithfulness by Sarah Clarkson, feel free to join in at anytime. You can find the reading schedule for the 12 week book club at the end of this post, along with additional printables for each week.
If anything, the book Journeys of Faithfulness has been a gentle reminder to me of finding joy even in the midst of darkness. Sometimes it is difficult to revisit past experiences that have been shrouded in hurt and pain, but in looking back, we are also reminded of the faithfulness of our heavenly Father and the goodness of God.
This week we read more of the story of Ruth – her return with her mother-in-law to a land that was unfamiliar to her, but to a God that she yearned to know more. For Naomi, the time was one filled with sorrow. She was returning to a home with her husband and sons and bitterness filled her so much that she even changed her name to mean ‘bitter’.
Yet Ruth remained in faith.
“Ruth made a decision of faith that would carry her far beyond one fleeting moment or even the journey to Bethlehem. When things didn’t turn out as she expected, she could have thrown down her broom and marched back to Moab. But those who turn back will never taste the delights and rewards God brings. Nor will they be the ones whom God chooses to use in His story…If we want to love God as Ruth did, we must learn to walk in faithfulness…”
p. 209, Sara Clarkson, Journeys of Faithfulness
Ruth’s faithfulness eventually will lead her to play a part in the lineage of Christ – something she would never even imagine or realize.
When you aren’t sure what is ahead in life, what encourages you to continue in your faithfulness?
A Few Book Club Links
Be sure to download a copy of the journal pages to go along with the book. For those of you reading on a Kindle or reading with your daughters, these will come in handy! Each week, I’ll be sharing the printables for the next week, so check back weekly for updates. ~ Journeys of Faithfulness book club Facebook page – come share your thoughts during the week! ~ Download a few printables here:
- Binder Cover
- Book club reading schedule,
- Journal pages: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11, and Week 12.
Link Up Your Posts!
If you are a participating in the book club and are blogging your thoughts, please leave a comment and include your link in the comment. We’d love to stop by and see what God is revealing to you through each chapter.
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